showing 12 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Wheelin' Wallie Interceptor Software1985action/reflex labelimageminimize
Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle Firebird1986platformer labelimageminimize
William Wobbler Wizard Computer Games1986platformer labelimageminimize
Head Over Heels Ocean1987action/reflex maze puzzle labelimagesubject
Nebulus  Hewson1987action/reflex puzzle labelimagesubject
Thing Bounces Back Gremlin Graphics1987platformer labelimageminimize
Draconus Zeppelin Games1988platformer Fantasy Horror labelimageminimize
Fantasy World Dizzy  Codemasters1989platformer adventure Cartoon labelimageminimize
Repton 2 Alligata1989action/reflex maze puzzle labelimageminimize
Shadow of the Beast Gremlin Graphics1990beat 'em up platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Seymour at the Movies  Codemasters (The Big Red Software Company)1991platformer labelminimizeminimize
Rod·Land  Storm1992platformer labelimageminimize